This program began enrolling students in the 2014 academic year. It aligns with our university’s plan to cultivate English-taught faculty and offers courses related to public health and management entirely in English. The program aims to train and develop international public health professionals and expand international health diplomacy.
發展方向 (Development Directions)
- 配合國家整體衛生政策、疾病防治、風險評估、永續環境及職業安全衛生等的公共衛生需要,擴展跨國性國際合作研究範疇。
- 提高本院全英文教學及研究品質,致力發展卓越之國際公共衛生學程。
- 強化國際交流,拓展師生國際衛生視野。
- 提高學生公共衛生教育水準,積極培養傑出優秀的國際公共衛生專業人員。
- 因應潮流,配合本校國際化之發展方向,成為孕育國際公共衛生專業人才之主要搖籃。
- In line with national health policies, disease prevention, risk assessment, sustainable environments, and occupational safety and health needs, expand the scope of international cooperative research.
- Enhance the quality of English-taught teaching and research in our college, striving to develop an excellent international public health program.
- Strengthen international exchanges, broadening the international health perspectives of both faculty and students.
- Improve the public health education level of students, actively cultivating outstanding international public health professionals.
- Respond to trends and align with our university’s internationalization development direction, becoming the main cradle for nurturing international public health professionals.
畢業生就業出路(Career Prospects for Graduates)
- 在國際的衛生或醫療服務組織內,或國內衛生福利政府部門或非營利組織內從事國際衛生工作。
- 在跨國公司內擔任健康促進或管理工作之人員。
- 至跨國健康產業公司擔任研究或企劃人員。
- 在國內環境工程顧問公司從事工安環衛及營運之風險預測、評估、診斷、危機管理之預防及處理工作。
- 在公私立醫療院所從事醫務管理、醫療品質管理、醫療資訊管理、疾病分類、病歷管理及醫療資料統計分析工作。
- Engage in international health work within international health or medical service organizations, domestic health welfare government departments, or non-profit organizations.
- Serve as health promotion or management personnel in multinational companies.
- Work as research or planning personnel in multinational health industry companies.
- Work in domestic environmental engineering consulting companies on safety and environmental hygiene, risk prediction, assessment, diagnosis, and crisis management.
- Engage in medical management, medical quality management, medical information management, disease classification, medical records management, and medical data statistical analysis in public or private medical institutions.
Chinese, Traditional